Village Savings and Loan Associations (VSLA) – a 1st step in access to finance
December 16, 2020
Composting for increased production and reduced disease incidence in onion
December 16, 2020Munisco Company Limited is implementing a project in the Upper West region of Ghana, with support from HortiFresh through its Youth Employment Fund. The project has been titled “Improving economic and social growth among rural women and youth through commercial production of dry and wet season organic vegetables and enhanced distribution system”.
Through this activity, 617 women and youth have been trained on Good Agricultural Practices (GAP), simple record keeping as well as the concept of Village Savings and Loan (VSLA) for adoption. The project is being implemented in four (4) Districts; Wa Municipal, Wa East, Wa West and Nadowli-Kaleo District.
In order to make effective the VSLA management, all 40 groups have formulated by-laws, elected group executives, defined roles and responsibilities among group members as well as a constitution to govern the association. The VSLA concept is currently ongoing and has seen a great expression of interest to join from other women and youth from other communities.
As part of this project activity, Munisco has also procured a tricycle to aid in the supply of inputs to farmers during production season as well as convey farm produce to market and other off-takers. The company will also purchase all vegetables produced by the farmers.