GhanaVeg Super Trainees Ready for Certification
November 10, 2016
GhanaVeg Project Partner- VoltaVeg
December 5, 2016“Most of the recent deaths occurring in the country could have been avoided if victims had taken good care of themselves. Most of them are as a result of what we eat.” Said, Prof. Agyeman Badu Akosa, former Pathologist-Korle Bu teaching hospital.
Vegetables are the major ingredients in our daily meals throughout the life expectancy. Gone are the days where most homes of urban settlers have backyard gardens for the production of vegetables to supplement kitchen need. Maize and plantain are sometimes also cultivated.
In recent times, the practice of backyard gardening has been lost due to increase rural-urban migration and industrial urban activities. We barely see homes cultivating their own vegetables.
Now all vegetables and herbs we consume daily are bought from the open market, super-markets/malls and farm gates of urban vegetable farmers. The quest to consume organic vegetables for good health and other useful purposes like our environment is gaining “its good grounds” in the country especially urban dwellers.
What we buy from the market and from urban farmers are termed organic verbally, where the shelf life is always justified. How sure are we whether we’re consuming organic foods, semi organic or even conventional? Especially where there is no traceability to determine its status. You are just left with what you are told by the farmer. As to whether or not it is true to be conventional or organic can only be determined by the farmer alone as you are just a buyer.
McDaniel’s Organic Foods and Horticultural Services offer home organic vegetable gardening to various homes mainly for urban settlers. We provide home service for your favorite herb and vegetable production to supplement your daily vegetable needs. We ensure suitable recommended organic practices and principles for your view and involvement from seeding to harvest. Size is not a deciding factor in encouraging home gardening. We have four categories of growing: “open ground, box, pot and sack systems” depending on the household circumstance.
The home will then be very comfortable and most of all very sure of healthy and fresh organic vegetables and herbs consumed. We offer this service year round even including landscaping (lawn establishment) and ornamental plants establishment and maintenance. We “looking out” for every home consuming at least two or three different kinds of organic vegetables home grown.
For further information and interest, please contact the founder Daniel Baisie (Jnr) on 0246550992/0268900196.