GhanaVeg Independent R&D Innovation Fund Trial (Harmful Organisms of Export Vegetables)
GhanaVeg together with University of Ghana, GIZ, CABI and an international consultant are embarking on a research project to establish the road map for reduced incidence of harmful pests as part of efforts to get the export ban lifted. This will result in on-farm protocols to combat especially false coddling moth, white flies, thrips and other insects that damage vegetable crops. The team will also focus on farm sanitation measures and ensure Good Agricultural Practices are adhered to. This is in preparation of a follow-up visit by the EU audit team in September.
These protocols are to be used to demonstrate how efficient the trials can be in reducing the infestation of pests to the barest minimum. The exercise will be used to provide samples of insecticides to conduct trials to control other pests on some produce like Aubergines, Turia, Mormordica charantia also known as Bitter Lemon, Chillies, Lagenaria among others.
MSc Students from the University of Ghana will be assisting with data collection.